Police Missed Chance to Investigate Paedophile Jimmy Savile In His Lifetime

A watchdog has found that the Police missed the chance to investigate paedophile Jimmy Savile back in 2008 after mishandling a claim against the DJ. A woman went to the police seven years ago claiming that she was attacked by the DJ in the 1970s, however, the Police failed to act on the claim.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) found that the police failed to properly investigate the claims made against Savile and missed the opportunity to investigate the paedophile.

Initial Claim

The woman, who told her husband about the incident, reported the incident to the police years after the attack was visited by officers on the same day of the incident and, according to the victim, "frightened off" by the police with the officers mentioning that Savile's lawyers would ridicule her case.

She later withdrew her cooperation with police due to the manner they had handled the incident, with Savile dying three years later at the age of 85. In an interview with the IPCC, however, both police officers rejected the claims.

Sussex Police claimed that without the woman's cooperation it was possible to make any investigation. IPCC deputy chair Sarah Green said: "Greater efforts should have been made by police to investigate the allegation and to encourage the woman to support an investigation.

"She showed considerable courage in coming forward to police, but regrettably she felt that the two officers who visited her had a negative attitude towards her pursuing her allegation.

"Not sending a trained female officer, coupled with the perceived absence of support, resulted in a missed opportunity by Sussex Police to investigate Savile in 2008."

Operation Yewtree

Reports of the horrific sex crimes regarding Savile were only revealed following his death in 2011. Police uncovered that Savile had unlimited access to NHS hospitals where he raped and sexually assaulted 177 patients, between the age of five and 75 over the course of 24 years.

The accusations and revelations against Savile following his death led to the creation of Operation Yewtree with the police investigation into sexual abuse allegations, predominantly the abuse of children. The operation has uncovered many incidents of sexual abuse with high profile names such as Savile, Rolf Harris, David Lee Travis, Gary Glitter and Michael Salmon.

The revelations against Savile have been confirmed with police recently uncovering a wall containing the names of some of the victims abused by Jimmy Savile and his paedophile chauffeur Ray Teret in the driver's flat.

Unlike Savile, Teret is still alive and was convicted of seven rapes and 11 indecent assaults against 'star-struck' girls as young as 13 in December last year.

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