Discussion encouraged on victim statements

Victims of crime could have the right to make a pre-recorded oral statement before sentencing to tell the court how a crime has affected them, Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill has said.

At present, a victim can make a written statement, but not an oral one – an issue which Victim Support Scotland highlighted as part of their response to the consultation.

Mr MacAskill is keen for the idea to be discussed by all with an interest in the process of victim statements, ahead of the Victims and Witnesses Bill being brought forward to Parliament.

Mr MacAskill said:

"In a justice system we are striving to modernise, we should explore the best ways to allow victims to speak to the Court about the way a crime has impacted on their lives. I know this is a view shared by Victim Support Scotland.

"It seems to me that if we are truly committed to ‘Making Justice Work for Victims and Witnesses’ we should consider alternative options, including the possibility of victims being able to make pre-recorded video statements, if they would prefer that over a written statement."

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