Police target unlicensed and uninsured drivers

The latest police campaign, coordinated by the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS), to detect unlicensed and uninsured drivers has resulted in over 100 vehicles being seized.

The campaign, which ran for three days in August, detected 248 driving offences in total, with 179 relating to uninsured drivers and 69 to driving license offences.

Those caught included a 20-year-old man from Glasgow who was arrested and charged with a variety of offences, including theft of a motor vehicle, dangerous driving, drink driving (he was almost three times the legal limit), disqualified driving and no insurance.

A man from South Lanarkshire was stopped by police, and subsequent police checks revealed he had a number of outstanding means warrants for Road Traffic offences (including driving without insurance or a licence) amounting to £970 worth of warrants.

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