Prosecution service targets metal thieves

A new Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service ‘Metal Theft Policy’ has been issued in response to the increasing incidence of metal theft due to a rise in scrap metal value.

Prosecutors will take a robust prosecution approach to all cases of metal theft. For instance, solemn proceedings will be raised where there is evidence the offence is connected to serious and organised crime. The new policy will contribute to, and complement, the work of the Serious and Organised Crime Taskforce.

The guidance also instructs that all cases will be considered under the Proceeds of Crime Act. For the first time, impact statements will be submitted to highlight other consequences of metal theft in addition to the financial impact.

Metal theft will be prosecuted under the common law of theft. Other offences may include: culpable and reckless conduct; malicious mischief; and reset. The Scottish Government is currently looking at the licensing structure of scrap dealers.

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