Report into rape prosecutions

A joint inspection published by HM Inspectorates of Constabulary and the Crown Prosecution Service has found that the English criminal justice system has made progress in relation to the needs of rape victims although there is more to do.

Improvements must also be made to the way the police gather and analyse intelligence material to identify perpetrators of rape and more can be done to ensure that prosecutions are robust. 

The number of rapes recorded by the police has risen by 3,261 (26%) over the last three years. Criminal justice agencies attribute this partly to victims having more confidence that police and prosecutors will deal with offences sensitively and professionally.

HMIC and HMCPSI found that there is some evidence to support this: as previous reports have recognised while there is absolutely no room for complacency, the reactions of practitioners have become more attuned to the needs of victims, and to the problems associated with the investigation and prosecution of this serious offence. Investigative techniques and prosecutions must also improve to ensure that perpetrators of rape and the full extent of their offending are identified quickly and where appropriate prosecuted.

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