Campaign against government’s Justice and Security Green Paper

The human rights group Liberty has launched a campaign, ‘For Their Eyes Only,’ against the Government’s Justice and Security Green Paper.

Liberty reports that the Green Paper contains proposals which would allow future ministers to shut out the press, public and bereaved families from any court case where it is considered a public hearing could ‘cause damage to the public interest’. This could include actions arising from complicity in torture, inquests into deaths in custody, police negligence, or compensation claims resulting from friendly fire.

The Government’s proposals would see Closed Material Procedures and Special Advocates brought more generally into the civil law, claims Liberty. Proceedings would be conducted without the involvement of the party bringing the claim, and secret evidence – never disclosed to the claimant, let alone public or press – would be used to defend serious allegations. The only people present would be the judge, the Government and Special Advocates – who are forced to try and represent claimants without ever being allowed to discuss evidence with them.

According to Liberty, the Government is also seeking to elevate the Security Services – and potentially other bodies – above the law in civil actions focusing on the wrongdoing of third parties where the UK is involved.


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