Scottish police reform must include human rights

The Scottish Government and Parliament should seize the historic opportunity in reforming police services in Scotland to embed human rights principles into the new structures from their inception.

The call comes in a submission from the Scottish Human Rights Commission to the Scottish Parliament Justice Committee consultation on the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Bill, which would establish a single police force across Scotland.

The Bill in its current form does not include any explicit reference to human rights principles despite the distinct human rights obligations for the police under the Human Rights Act. 

The Commission makes six recommendations to the Justice Committee, including:

  • A commitment to upholding human rights should be explicitly included in the policing principles of the Scottish Police Service.
  • A new police oath should contain an explicit commitment to upholding and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  • The Bill should include a provision requiring the Scottish Police Authority to issue a code of ethics for the Police Service laying down standards of conduct and practice for police officers based on human rights principles and European Convention of Human Rights obligations.
  • The Scottish Police Authority should have the independence to set its own strategic policing priorities.
  • The Bill should include a provision requiring the Scottish Police Authority to monitor the performance of the Police Services in complying with the Human Rights Act.
  • The Police Investigations and Review Commissioner should be given adequate investigating powers of disclosure and attendance of witnesses.

Source: Scottish Human Rights Commission

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