UNHCR raises concerns with UK asylum procedures

Following the publication of the inspection report into the UK's Detained Fast Track (DFT) asylum procedures, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has identified a number of key concerns with how these procedures operate.

These concerns include:

Vulnerable asylum seekers are wrongly held in detention
UNHCR is of the view that safeguards to identify vulnerable and traumatised individuals are inadequate. A quarter of individuals who enter the DFT are later released, most of whom are referred to organisations caring for victims of torture. However, even among those who remain within the DFT, UNHCR has identified vulnerable people and applicants with complex cases which are not suitable for being decided quickly. This includes individuals who claim to be victims of rape or trafficking.

Deprivation of liberty
Although claims in the DFT are expected to be decided between seven and ten days, the Government’s current policy leaves open the possibility for detention to exceed this period and even, to be of unlimited duration. UNHCR considers that depriving an individual of their liberty for reasons of administrative convenience risks breaching international human rights principles.

There is insufficient time for accurate decision-making
Detention and the speed of the DFT affect the fairness of a procedure which determines whether or not a person will be protected or sent home. The short time frame means that both UKBA decision makers and applicants lack sufficient time to prepare for the asylum interview. The determination of asylum claims is a complex procedure which requires time and consideration on the part of the decision maker to gather evidence, including the information available on the situation in an applicant’s country, and to assess the credibility of the claim. Furthermore, asylum seekers who have had traumatic experiences and possible mental health issues may require time to establish trust and confidence to disclose their stories to the authorities.


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